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Friday Files, 29 November 2019

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It’s St. Saturnin’s Day (or, if you’re more of a Mammonist, it’s Black Friday). And since it’s Friday, it’s time for the Friday Files, our sampling of side-dish leftovers from SEA’s feast of archives. (Hey,…

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Roy Ingle, “Justification By Faith”

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“Salvation is from our side a choice; from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our accepting and willing are reactions rather than actions.” -A.W.…

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Friday Files, 22 November 2019

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It’s the Sts. Philemon and Apphia Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly plow across the field where we plant our archives. The views expressed in these links and stories are sometimes those of…

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Friday Files, 15 November 2019

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It’s the Sts. Francis Asbury and George Whitefield Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly bulldoze through the tel that is our archives. The views expressed in the links and stories aren’t always those…

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Friday Files, 8 November 2019

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It’s the Four Crowned Martyrs Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly browse through the links and articles we’ve posted on the first week in November in various years. Which years? Well they’re below.…

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