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Justin Taylor, “Dear Arminians”

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Calvinist leader Justin Taylor has published on his blog a great post that really captures the attitude and approach of the Society of Evangelical Arminians (SEA) regarding Calvinists and Arminians receiving one another as brothers…

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Daniel Gracely, “Job 1-2”

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This article is taken from a chapter in Hoodwinked and Happy?: Evangelicals, Calvinism , and Why No One’s Answering the Problem of Evil, by Daniel Gracely, published by Grandma’s Attic Press, © 2006. Please note…

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Daniel Gracely, “Proverbs 21:1”

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This article is taken from a chapter in Hoodwinked and Happy?: Evangelicals, Calvinism , and Why No One’s Answering the Problem of Evil, by Daniel Gracely, published by Grandma’s Attic Press, © 2006. Please note…

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Dr. Phil Fernandes on the 5 Points of Calvinism

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Dr. Fernandes, a 4 point Arminian and member of SEA, is President of the Institute of Biblical Defense. He is a Christian Apologist, Author and Pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship. Dr. Fernandes holds the following…

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Calvinism’s Missing Contexts- Part 3

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This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion…

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Calvinism’s Missing Contexts-Part 2

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This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. As we search the scriptures honestly and diligently to find answers to our questions about various issues about living in God’s kingdom…

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Calvinism’s Missing Contexts- Part 1

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This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. Philippians 1:29 “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him…

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*The Economist* Reports on the New Calvinists

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Justin Taylor has drawn attention to a short piece in The Economist that reports on the resurgence of Calvinism in the Southern Baptist Convention and evangelicalism in general. According to Taylor, “It’s sort of a…

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Calvinism and the Evil of Kim Jong-Il


After the passing of Kim Jong-Il, Calvinist leader Justin Taylor did a brief post highlighting how diabolical he was: It is simply baffling that Calvinists can decry the diabolical, heinous actions of Kim Jong-Il…

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A Chilling Quote of John Calvin

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Here is an absolutely chilling quote of John Calvin. It is hard to believe any Christian can believe such a thing: John Calvin writes: “Solomon also teaches us that not only was the destruction of…

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