Friday Files, 3 May 2019

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It’s the Sts. Philip and James the Less’s Day edition of the Friday Files, where we blow some of the dust off our previous articles and links, and read ’em again. If their views don’t reflect those of SEA, don’t freak out; it happens. Our members’ names are in blue. Posts from the first week of May…

Last year! (2018)

• Scott Olson and Tim Stratton, “Brian Abasciano Responds to James White on John 3:16.” Asasciano joins the hosts of the Free Thinking Podcast to talk about his then-recent SEA article on the subject.

Ben Henshaw, “What Purpose Does Regeneration Serve in Calvinism?” If a micromanagerial God can simply flip a switch in us to change us from unbelieving to believing, why must regeneration happen in the Calvinist timeline of salvation? Followed up by an answer by “Dominic,” then Henshaw’s answer to that answer.

Five years ago! (2014)

• Roger E. Olsen, “The ‘Chief End of Man’—God’s Glory—Yes and Amen (but…)” True, everything was created for God’s glory, but Calvinists’ overemphasis on God’s power undermines God’s motive of love

• Braxton Hunter, “Answering Tom Hicks on the Free Will of Man.” In Hicks’ objections to Hunter’s article on free will, he seems to think free will is some outside force which deterministically makes an individual act. You know, like Calvinists imagine God. Plus a relevant follow-up comment.

• Bruxy Cavey, “Hot Seat Sunday.” [video] Cavey answers questions from his congregation—many of them having to do with soteriology.

• Jonathan Merritt, “Author says Calvinism can’t make sense of the cross.” An interview with Austin Fischer on Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed, and the divisiveness of Calvinism.

Ten years ago! (2009)

• Robert Hamilton, “Does Arminianism Diminish God’s Glory?” [PDF] Nope. But Calvinists regularly accuse Arminians of taking something away from that glory by simply responding to God’s offer of salvation.

• John McClintock and James Strong, Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. [Google Books] Ten volumes: Volume 1, volume 2, volume 3, volume 4, volume 5, volume 6, volume 7, volume 8, volume 9, and volume 10. Volume 4 has lots of material on the Arminianism/Calvinism debate.

• Thomas N. Ralston, Elements of Divinity. [Google Books] A professor’s course lectures on theology.

Solus Arminius, “A Comparative Examination of Semi-Pelagianism with the Teachings of James Arminius.” ’Cause they’re not the same thing, despite popular Calvinist claims.

• Daniel D. Whedon, Commentary on the New Testament, Intended for Popular Use: Titus–Revelation, on Google Books. An Arminian biblical commentary.

Solus Arminius, “A Response to ‘A Brief Rejection of Arminianism, or Why Arminianism Does Not Work’ by C. Michael Patton.” Analyzing Patton’s article on why he rejects the idea of prevenient grace in favor of a biblically unsupported view of irresistible grace.

• Richard Watson, Theological Institutes. [Google Books] A Wesleyan Arminian systematic theology.

Dan Chapa, “Systematic Theology Is Like Connect-the-Dots.” Problem is, sometimes the dots aren’t properly exegeted, and people’s biases slip in there.

• Edward Bird, Fate and Destiny, Inconsistent with Christianity. [Google Books] On some the problems with Calvinism, namely the “horrible decree” of unconditional election.

Dan Chapa, “Friday Files: Arminius on Romans 9.” A briefer summary of Arminius’s “Analysis of the Ninth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans.” [PDF]

• Various authors, A Collection of Tracts Concerning Predestination and Providence. [Google Books] Essays on predestination by early English Arminians.

Martin Glynn, “Recap of 1 John 5:18; a Devotional.” Satan has no power over us if we belong to God.

More reading material? Really?

Yeah, some of us aren’t gonna be satisfied with just these links. (Even though there’s 10 volumes of an encyclopedia in there!) So I direct you to the blogs and websites of SEA’s members. We write a lot, and update regularly. Check ’em out.