Friday Files, 24 April 2020

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It’s the St. Salome’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our gotta-get-better-at-being-weekly look back at the articles and links in SEA’s archives. They’re of interest to SEA and its members, but the views expressed therein don’t always reflect ours. Our members’ names are in blue. Articles are from the second half of April…

Last year! (2019)

Five years ago! (2015)

Ten years ago! (2010)

Today: Stay safe; stay home!

Avoid going out in public if you can help it, and one of the ways you can pass the time is to dig through SEA’s archive. After that, we have links and books to other Arminians on the internet who’ve written loads. And maybe you could blog something, and maybe we can add it to our page. What do you think?