Friday Files, 13 March 2020

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It’s the coronaviral pandemic edition… I mean the St. James Theodore Holly Day edition of the Friday Files. (Ditch that spirit of fear. Didn’t come from God.)

So if you’ve nothing to do because everything’s been canceled and everyone’s staying home, allow us to present a brief visit to previous years in SEA’s articles and links. The views expressed therein are not necessarily those of SEA, and our members’ names are in blue. Articles are from the second week of March…

Last year! (2019)

Five years ago! (2015)

Ten years ago! (2010)

Today: Links!

Quarantined and bored? SEA’s archives go even further than this brief taste, and we also have a page full of links and books so you can see what our members and friends have written. Lots of reading material there.