A Minor Change to Our Statement of Faith

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We have made a minor change to our statement of faith (http://evangelicalarminians.org/sof), which must be affirmed to join the society and which members must continue to affirm to remain in the society. This change has been made to make the statement clearer and smoother, and to underscore our belief in unlimited atonement, which is nonetheless already addressed elsewhere in the statement.

In article 3 of our statement of faith, we have changed this affirmation about Jesus:

    He lived a sinless life, dying on the cross as a substitute and sacrifice for sinners

to this affirmation:

    He lived a sinless life and died on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for all sinners

All members of the society must agree with the revised statement of faith to remain in the society.

Praise Jesus for dying as a substitute and sacrifice for all sinners! What love and grace!!